Nithya Srinivasan, founder of VSTN has more than 19 years of experience with over 17 years in Transfer Pricing including with Big4s (Deloitte & PwC), advising multinational corporations and providing practical transfer pricing solutions. She has extensive experience managing transfer pricing compliance, litigation, APAs, complex planning assignments for High profile MNCs. She also specializes in dealing with tax authorities on wide variety of transfer pricing issues including marketing intangibles, share valuation, risk adjustments, start-up losses, adoption of statistical techniques to address transfer pricing problems.She was involved in development of dynamic transfer pricing policies for clients, including supply chain structuring, business model conversions. She has led Base Erosion Profit Shifting(BEPS) initiative for major India HQs.
Nithya has authored articles for publication in International Fiscal Association (“IFA”) journal, International Tax review, Tax sutra, NDTV, co-authored a book titled “Transfer Pricing Law and Practice in India including BEPS” published by CCH and also co authored for the BCAJ Journal on “Transfer Pricing in the Automotive sector”.
Nithya has coauthored a research paper published in the International Organization of Scientific Research (IO SR) -Journal of Economics and Finance on Indian Transfer Pricinglandscape.
She has been recognised as a “Highly Regarded” Practitioner by the International Tax Review (ITR) in World Tax Rankings. She has been nominated for the “APAC Transfer Pricing Practice Leader of the year award” by International Tax Review (ITR) 2024