S Ranjani

S. Ranjani


S Ranjani has around 11 years of experience in Transfer Pricing with over 7 years with Deloitte working on various engagements and assisting the clients with their Transfer pricing compliances and litigation. She also played an inhouse Tax and TP role for Auto major – Daimler for around 3 years.
SPACER She has considerable experience managing transfer pricing compliance, litigation, APAs, advisory assignments for High profile MNCs. The variety of transfer pricing issues handled includes marketing intangibles, economic adjustments, loss making entities, etc.,
SPACER She has closely worked on the Masterfile and Country by Country filing requirements of high profile MNCs and for major India HQs. She has co-authored articles for publication in International Fiscal Association (“IFA”) journal, International Tax review, and co-authored a book titled “Transfer Pricing Law and Practice in India including BEPS” published by CCH and also co-authored for the BCAJ Journal on “Transfer Pricing in the Automotive sector”.SPACER She has been nominated for “APAC Transfer Pricing RisingStar award” by International Tax Review (ITR) for 2024
